Tienduizenden eisen aftreden Filippijnse presidente
Verschillende populaire showbizz artiesten daagden op voor de grote betoging tegen president Gloria Arroyo op 13 juli in Makati, het zakencentrum van Manilla. Ook Susan Poe Roces was er, de weduwe van presidentskandidaat Fernando “FPJ” Poe Jr., die vorig jaar de verkiezingen verloor; ten onrechte zoals nu blijkt. Ze was echter minder scherp en cassant dan enkele weken geleden op TV toen ze naar Arroyo uithaalde. Er waren ook vele bekende politici, die bijna met elkaar op de vuist gingen om op het podium te geraken. Dat belooft voor wanneer Arroyo zal afgezet zijn en ze hun eigen agenda terug bovenhalen.
Het grootste contingent in de betoging kwam echter van de volksorganisaties die geallieerd zijn met BAYAN, de zogenaamde nationaal democraten. Ze marcheerden schouder aan schouder en bezette beide rijbanen van Makati Avenue over de lengte van bijna een heel blok. Geen wonder dat de buitenlandse fotojournalisten meer aandacht hadden voor hen dan voor het vertoon op het podium.
Er waren ook delegaties van de League of Filipino Students van San Francisco en van Filippijnengroepen België en intal.
Naast deze groep waren er ook delegaties van andere ngos en volksorganisaties, van Bangon Pilipinas, een groep van Brother Eddie Villanueva, een andere verliezende presidentskandidaat, de aanhangers van de vorige president Estrada en van FPJ, de groep van senator Lacson, en de supporters van andere oppositiepartijen en van de burgemeester van Makati.
Verschillende observators schatten de massa op 65000 tot 80000. Dat is waarschijnlijk geen overdrijving als we de yuppies meetellen die uit de kantoortorens naar beneden kwamen om het programma mee te volgen.
“Ik baande me een weg door de massa tot net voor het podium,” schrijft Rita Baua van BAYAN, “en stelde vast dat elke vierkante meter bezet was door vijf tot zeven personen terwijl dat er anders hooguit vier zijn.” Ze voegt eraan toe dat de venters vergaten om hun waar aan de man te brengen en liever volgden wat er op het podium gebeurde. “Ik had een déjà vu naar een manifestatie van 1983, toen dictator Marcos zijn opponent Aquino had laten ombrengen, en mensen van alle pluimage in grote getale op straat kwamen,” geeft ze nog mee.
De demonstranten werden opgezweept door de liedjes en slogans van de culturele groepen. Op andere momenten luisterde de massa naar de gedichten van progressieve dichters die werden voorgelezen door bekende acteurs. Die mix van progressieve cultuur en militante speeches is eigen aan de betogingen in de Filippijnen.
Ka Satur Ocampo, een volksvertegenwoordiger van de volkspartij Bayan Muna, was de enige politicus die het woord mocht nemen en als laatste nog wel. Hij benadrukte dat men er geen genoegen mee zou nemen als Arroyo vervangen werd door haar vice-president. “Het volk wil dat er een overgangsraad gevormd wordt met vertegenwoordigingen van boeren, arbeiders, vrouwen, jongeren en stadsarmen om het roer van het land over te nemen,” verduidelijkte Ocampo.
"It's not about my politics. Something happened way to quick. A bunch of men who played it sick. They divide and conquer" -- Husker Du
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Friday, July 01, 2005
Global solidarity with Dr. Maslamani
Last June 6, Dr. Ahmad Maslamani was arrested at the dead of night in his Jerusalem home, in front of his children. Three weeks later he is still detained. It is an experience shared with many other Palestinians who do not wish to hide their concern for the well-being of their people. But Dr. Maslamni is not just anybody. He is the director of the Union of Health Work Committees (UHWC), an organization providing health services throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territories and one of our partner organizations.
To add insult to injury Dr. maslamani doesn't even know why he was arrested by the Israeli special forces. Although he was brought to court already four times, no charges have been filed yet. Apparently, the Israeli authorities prefer to leave him in limbo in order to break his morale.
They might be waiting in vain. Since his arrest, solidarity with Dr. Maslamani is snowballing. People from all over the world are sending him solidarity messages. We had hardly informed our other partner organizations or Dr. Eleanor Jara, Ahmad's colleague from the Philippine Council for Health and Development, wrote us: “Please include us among the peoples of the world who are asking the Israeli government to free the good doctor now.” Organizations from Nicaragua, Iran, France and the United States quickly followed suit.
Also individuals from countries as divers as Iceland, Senegal and Israel expressed their solidarity. “My solidarity with Dr. Maslamani comes from the bottom of my heart because I know the consequences of his imprisonment are heavy for the Palestinian people,” writes Agnès Machiels.
Others put Dr. Maslamani's arrest in its political context. Enrique Ferro writes: “I am concerned with Dr. Ahmad Maslamani's plight, and I wish him a quick release. For all my experiences in Palestine, and after some time following the events in the occupied territories, and spreading on a daily basis news and analyses about all that, I cannot still come to terms with all the injustices suffered by the Palestinian people, whose only guilt appears to be their existence, and the fact that they are the legitimate inhabitants of Palestine...”
In Belgium, many people relayed their concern to the Belgian minister of foreign affairs and to the Belgian embassy in Tel Aviv. As a result, the Belgian ministry of foreign affairs assured them that they would monitor Dr. Maslamani's case closely.
The current wave of solidarity with Dr. Maslamani appears to be far from over. Several websites have copied the call for solidarity messages. Some people are asking for more addresses of agencies they could involve and a big US human rights organization requested more information so they could launch an urgent action alert. Whatever happens to Dr. Maslamani, the world is watching closely.
Last June 6, Dr. Ahmad Maslamani was arrested at the dead of night in his Jerusalem home, in front of his children. Three weeks later he is still detained. It is an experience shared with many other Palestinians who do not wish to hide their concern for the well-being of their people. But Dr. Maslamni is not just anybody. He is the director of the Union of Health Work Committees (UHWC), an organization providing health services throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territories and one of our partner organizations.
To add insult to injury Dr. maslamani doesn't even know why he was arrested by the Israeli special forces. Although he was brought to court already four times, no charges have been filed yet. Apparently, the Israeli authorities prefer to leave him in limbo in order to break his morale.
They might be waiting in vain. Since his arrest, solidarity with Dr. Maslamani is snowballing. People from all over the world are sending him solidarity messages. We had hardly informed our other partner organizations or Dr. Eleanor Jara, Ahmad's colleague from the Philippine Council for Health and Development, wrote us: “Please include us among the peoples of the world who are asking the Israeli government to free the good doctor now.” Organizations from Nicaragua, Iran, France and the United States quickly followed suit.
Also individuals from countries as divers as Iceland, Senegal and Israel expressed their solidarity. “My solidarity with Dr. Maslamani comes from the bottom of my heart because I know the consequences of his imprisonment are heavy for the Palestinian people,” writes Agnès Machiels.
Others put Dr. Maslamani's arrest in its political context. Enrique Ferro writes: “I am concerned with Dr. Ahmad Maslamani's plight, and I wish him a quick release. For all my experiences in Palestine, and after some time following the events in the occupied territories, and spreading on a daily basis news and analyses about all that, I cannot still come to terms with all the injustices suffered by the Palestinian people, whose only guilt appears to be their existence, and the fact that they are the legitimate inhabitants of Palestine...”
In Belgium, many people relayed their concern to the Belgian minister of foreign affairs and to the Belgian embassy in Tel Aviv. As a result, the Belgian ministry of foreign affairs assured them that they would monitor Dr. Maslamani's case closely.
The current wave of solidarity with Dr. Maslamani appears to be far from over. Several websites have copied the call for solidarity messages. Some people are asking for more addresses of agencies they could involve and a big US human rights organization requested more information so they could launch an urgent action alert. Whatever happens to Dr. Maslamani, the world is watching closely.
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