"It's not about my politics. Something happened way to quick. A bunch of men who played it sick. They divide and conquer" -- Husker Du

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Technology in plain English

Do you also get desperate because you cannot explain to your office mates and friends why they have to use a wiki or a newsreader or whatever new technology that is just too geeky for them? Maybe this can help you. The guys from Common Craft made two great videos to explain the advantages of newsreaders and wikis in plain English. Moreover, they have a number of translations on dotsub.com.

Subtitled versions of this video in other languages.

Subtitled versions of this video in other languages.


Unknown said...

Dat komt nog eens van pas, zie. Tnx Wim.


P.S. mogen wij ook je vriend zijn.

Wim said...
